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Land-use monitoring (based on agricultural statistics) Land-use monitoring (based on agricultural statistics)

Land-use monitoring (based on agricultural statistics)

The georeferenced data of the agricultural administration, statistical offices and other authorities are needed to describe the use of agricultural land in as much detail as possible - also going back into the past. At the Thünen Institute, various data sources have already been developed and made available in the Thünen-Agrar-GIS and Thünen Atlas. Specific evaluations, also based on data from the integrated administration and control system (IACS), were carried out, for example, for the evaluation of greening and for the reporting of the national soil indicator. In addition, the Thünen Institute regularly analyzes the test farm network, which provides various farm input and output data (including expenditure on plant protection products and fertilizers), animal stocking rates, crop yields and payments for agri-environmental measures, and since 2018 also data on the use of mineral fertilizers. At the JKI, the sample data on pesticide use collected in the PAPA network (Panel Plant Protection Application) are particularly relevant, as are the national balances for N and P fertilizers. For the monitoring of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, the task is to (a) adapt the data collection and preparation to the requirements of the overall project and (b) develop and apply specific evaluation routines.



Norbert Röder
Thünen-Institute of Farm Economics

Andrea Ackermann
Thünen-Institute of Farm Economics